
Islamic Dream Interpretation Coming out of One's House

The distinction is very vague in Arabic between the words dar and bayt, both meaning “house” or “home.” But after consulting a knowledgeable colleague (a Moroccan ambassador and man of letters), the author assumes that dar is more likely to mean a house as a structure or an apartment block and bayt a room, an apartment, or simply home. However, in the ancient Arab texts the writer often jumps from one meaning to another, and I have taken real pain trying to disentangle them, as usual. Home symbolizes the man’s wife sheltered under his roof and to whom he goes, whence the expression “He went home.” Therefore, home and wife are synonyms. The door is her vagina or her face, the closet or the safe a maiden, like a dreamer’s daughter, whom he does not penetrate, as they are covered or hidden places in which he does not sleep. The servants quarters symbolize the servant(s). The place where cereals are stored is the mother, who used to keep the dreamer alive and let him grow by feeding him milk. The toilet represents those servants who are in charge of cleaning and washing or the dreamer’s wife, whom he embraces and penetrates when isolated, i.e., away from his children and the rest of the household. Source: Islamic Scholars

One’s house in a dream has different meanings. It could mean wife. If one sees that he is entering house in his dream, it shows he will get married or have sexual intercourse with his wife. Building one’s own house in a dream means sick person will be recovered from his illness. If the construction is hard and is customary in that family to bury its dead within the compound of the same property, then it shows death of a sick person in the family. If no one is sick in that house and construction is accompanied with celebrations and music in a dream, it means adversities, trials and hardships. Under such circumstance, person in the dream is unmarried, it means marriage and if he is married it means he will marry off one of his daughters. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Plastering the House

If one sees that he is plastering the house, it refers to his religion. Its perfection or imperfection is the way he handles matters. Its finishing is his joy. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Building a House with Clay in Known Location

If a sound person is building a house in his dream with clay or concrete in a known place, it means benefits and welfare. Source: Islamic Scholars

If a sound person is building a house in his dream with clay or concrete in an unknown place, it means that he will do or already done something for which he will be rewarded in the hereafter. If that house was built with lime, gypsum, and bricks, it would mean that a sin will be committed or dreamer has amassed a fortune through sin and he will regret it in the hereafter, owing to the fact that fire plays a major role in the manufacturing of such constructing material. The dream would have a happy ending if the dreamer destroyed the house before waking up. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Entering House Made of Clay or Concrete

If one sees entering house that is made of clay or concrete and situated amidst other buildings means he will make an honest living. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation House from Afar

If one sees a house from afar, it means his life will give the dreamer what he desired but far away or after a long time. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Coming out of One’s House

If one sees coming out of one’s house, it means he will go to jail in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “And [mention] Dhun-Nun,30 when he went off in anger and deemed that We had no power over him, but he cried out in the darkness, saying: There is no God save Thee. Be Thou glorified! Lo! I have been a wrongdoer.”  (“Al-Anbiya“ [The Prophets], verse 87.)
If one sees that he is entering the neighbor’s house, it means he will become his confidant or he is immortal, or he will betray the neighbor with his livelihood and his wife. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Bachelor Building a House

If a bachelor sees building a house, it means he will marry a high-class woman. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Iron House

If one sees an iron house in a dream, it means it’s owner will live long and will have a lot of prestige. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Building a New House

If one sees building a new house in a dream, it means if the dreamer is ill, he will become healthy, if someone is sick in the house, he will recover unless the dreamer is in the habit of burying the dead in his house, in which case the new house would mean the tomb of that patient. Same bad interpretation would apply if one sees that house was built in a place where he can’t if it was painted white, if funeral flowers were seen: If he is a bachelor, he will get married or he will find a husband for his daughter and let her stay with him, if the girl is old. Or dreamer will have a concubine. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Unknown House

The unknown house in the Hereafter, especially if it has a revealing name like Darussalam(The House of Peace).
If one sees a sick person that he is in an unknown house, it means he will die peacefully. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Healthy Person in an Unknown House

If one sees a healthy person in an unknown house, it means he will engage in Jihad or Holy Struggle or he will go to Mecca or he will become ascetic or he will receive learning or he will give alms, or he will endure hardships with stoicism. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation House Sprinkled with Water

If one sees house sprinkled with water, it means trouble with a woman and worries equal to the mud and humidity in the house, but which will disappear. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Door and Handle

Door in a dream symbolizes wife and handle symbolize a servant. Support of the door are male children, slave or servants, assistants or brothers. For Ibn Siren, the keyhole is the dreamer’s ear, meaning probably the house servant who reports everything to the master. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation House Garden

If one sees a house garden in his dream, it represents fasting, asceticism, piety, one’s private devotion, celebrating ALLAH’s praises and exalting his holiness and fear of wrong doing. It could also mean a marriage within his family, insanity on the part of that house dwellers, paying a financial penalty, or it could mean an imposition. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Well in the House

If a person sees in his dream that he has dug a well in his house or dreams of a well present in his house and that well swells with water, it means that ALLAH will grant hum much Barakah in his wealth and that wealth will become a means of earning him increased livelihood without much hard work and toil. In this case, if the well is seen sending forth all its water until it becomes exhausted, it shows he will lose much of his wealth and very little of it will be remaining. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Known House

If one sees a house that is known to him, it symbolizes his position and condition in this world. Its features which can be pleasant or unpleasant or the house is straight or crooked, narrow or spacious, orderly or disorderly is a reflection of his character and behavior. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation An Ox in the House

If one sees an ox is entering his house and he ties it up in a manner that ox is under his control, it shows he will receive wealth which he will guard closely. And he will become prosperous. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation House Gate or Door

House gate or door of it in a dream represents the father of the family. Mortise and Tenon symbolize female and male sexual organs as they fit into each other. If locked together, they represent husband embracing his wife. By extension, they could also refer to the couple’s boy and a girl, or two brothers, or two persons sharing the same house. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Entering House

If one sees that he is entering someone else’s house in his dream, it shows that he will defeat him and will gain the upper hand in business over him and will control his interests. If one enters the house of the governor and feel comfortable, it means he is soliciting the governor’s assistance in a personal business. Coming of a just person to a house means blessings and if an unjust person enters a place in a dream, it shows evil and calamities will befall such a house. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Apartment Blocks

Whatever happens to apartment blocks or houses in a dream, the same applies to their dwellers in real. Walls represent men in a dream and ceilings represent women as men uphold woman. Corridor of a house refers to an influential servant who can complicate or solve matters. Man’s house symbolizes his ego, his person, and his body because it’s his address with which he is identified. Likewise, it alludes to his name and reputation and his glory and well-being. It could also refer to his money which he relies or falls back upon and his clothes as he puts them on. In this case, it represents his body, gate or door of the house is the dreamer’s face. It is easy to imagine what the components of a house refer to when the house alludes to the wife. Assuming that the house symbolizes his livelihood and money, the door is the source of that livelihood. When we compare the house to a man’s clothes, the door is the edge of such clothes. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sweeping a House

If one sees sweeping of his own house, it means poverty is in store for him. If one sees sweeping out of another house, it means he will receive much wealth from owner of that house. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Grass Growing Inside House

If one sees that grass is growing inside his house in a dream, it means a wedding. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Old House Crumbling

If one sees an old house crumbling on him, it means he will inherit. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sweeping the Floor of House

If one sees that according to Christian dream interpreters, says Ibn Siren, sweeping the floor of one’s house means deep worries or sudden death. Others think it is the reverse. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Decorating a House

If one sees that carving or decorating a house in his dream, it means rivalry and quarrels will take place in that house. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Larger House

If one sees a larger house than usual in a dream means more fertility and more well-being. And he will enjoy welfare through a woman. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Being in an Unknown Plastered House

If one sees being in an unknown, new plastered house in an isolated area and hearing some evil talk in a dream means a reference to the dreamer’s grave. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Carrying a House

If one sees carrying a house means he will sustain a woman. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Reclining on a House

If one sees reclining on a house means a woman will cater to his livelihood. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Being Kept Prisoner in a House

If one is being kept a prisoner in a house in a residential area and doors are locked means good health and welfare. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Entering House and Doors Getting Locked Behind

If one sees entering house and doors are getting locked behind means he will refrain from disobeying ALLAH in view of a verse in the Holy Quran: “And she, in whose house he was, asked of him an evil act. She bolted the doors and said: Come! He said: I seek refuge in Allah!…”  (“Yusuf’ [Joseph], verse 23.) Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation House without a Roof

If one sees a house without a roof and he can see the sun rising or the moon means a woman will get married therein. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Getting out of a Narrow House

If one sees getting out of a narrow house means he will be left behind. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Bright or Well Illuminated House

If one sees well-illuminated or a bright house, it means virtuous and polite woman. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Buying a New House

If one sees buying a new house in a dream it means plenty of welfare. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Dark House

If one sees a dark house it means a mean and ill-tempered person. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Familiar House

If a person sees that he is owning a house and that house is familiar to him, it means he will soon find a wife for him. Sometimes, the dream seeing of a house means a person’s assets and material wealth. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Unknown Construction Material in an Unknown Location

If a house of unknown construction material in an unknown location and with unknown people, isolated from the rest, it means that the hereafter, especially if dead persons the dreamer knows are seen in it. Entering it means that the dreamer will die unless he comes out again, in which case it means that he will come near death but escape. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Possessing a House

If a person sees that he is owning a known house, it suggests that he will receive worldly gains proportionate to the attractiveness, spaciousness, and elegance of such a house. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sick Person Building a House

If a sick person or one who has an ill friend or relative sees building a house, it means a tomb. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation House in a Known Location

If one sees a house in a known location, among other houses, and with complete amenities but whose owner is unknown means he will get rich if poor, and if rich he will get richer, or if he is worried he will be relieved or if having disobeyed ALLAH Almighty, he will repent. If the landlord is known, the dream will apply to him. In case the house was made of concrete or clay, the dreamer’s fortune will be blessed; otherwise, if the house was made of bricks, which entered the fire, the gains would be illicit and sinful. The dimensions of a house—big or small—allude to the dreamer’s condition: living comfortably or not, being generous or not, et cetera. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Carriage House

In a dream, carriage house represents assembly place of politicians, scholars, merchants, leaders, spectators or visitors. Condition in which carriage house appears reflects the state of such groups of people. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Tunnel Under the House

If one sees a tunnel under the house, it means a cunning man, especially if the tunnel he sees was made of clay or concrete, in which case it would mean that the man’s wickedness is in the religious field. Source: Islamic Scholars

If a tunnel is seen under the house in a dream, it denotes deception or that a perfidious person is having access to that household. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Tied up and Imprisoned Inside a House

If one sees in his dream that he is tied up and imprisoned inside a house, it means he will receive glad tidings or could also mean health and prosperity. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Carrying a House

If one sees that he is carrying a house over his shoulders in his dream, it means he takes care of a needy woman or wife. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation House Made of Gold

If one sees that his house is made of gold, it shows a fire will burn it down. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation House without Roof

If house has no roof and he can see the skies, moon or sun in his dream, it shows the marriage of a woman from that household. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Big House within a House

If a big house within his own house is seen by the dreamer in his dream, it means a righteous woman will live there or move into that family to become a blessing for that house. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation House without Lights

If one sees a house without lights in a dream, it represents a woman of evil character and if a woman sees house without lights in her dream, it means a man of evil character. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Demolishing House

Demolishing one’s house means a fight within the family. Source: Ibn Sirin

House Being Demolished

If one sees that a house being demolished in a dream means his owner will die. Source: Islamic Scholars

Demolishing a New House Dream Interpretation

If one sees demolishing a new house in a dream, it means evil and worries. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Rooms of Apartments

If one sees that the rooms of apartments or the apartments of the house in a dream mean the dreamer’s women. Source: Islamic Scholars

Incident: Central Pillar of the House Breaking

A woman came to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam, and said: “Oh Messenger of God, I saw in a dream that the central pillar which supports the ceiling of my house broke, and the ceiling caved in.” Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) replied: “Your husband will return to his home from a journey.” Soon, the husband returned home from a business trip, and the wife was happy. Source: Ibn Sirin

Incident: The Father that Hid his Money

A man hid his money inside his house and went on a journey. On his way back home, he became sick. The man also owed money to some people, and he thought of telling one of his companions about the place of his money and to ask him to pay his debt, but he aspired for recovery and hoped to return home and pay his debts in person. During his journey, the man died. His son saw him in a dream and asked: “What did God do to you?” The father replied: “My condition is in abeyance, and it depends on some debts that must be paid first. I have some money hidden in such and such place. Please go and dig them up, pay people what I owe them, and enjoy the rest.” Source: Ibn Sirin

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