
Islamic Dream Interpretation Maiden getting Pregnant

Different Islamic dream interpretations of pregnancy have different meanings in Islam and in this guide, you will get every interpretation like an increase in wealth, death etc.

Seeing yourself Pregnant Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a woman sees herself being pregnant it could mean that:

  • Increase in her wealth, which depends on the size of her belly.
  • She will continue till she makes all the money she wants, and the money which will grow constantly.
  • She will be proud of her achievements and will be praised and highly defined.
  • Trouble
  • Unhappiness
  • Worries
  • Concealed Matters. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Pregnancy Dream Meaning

Pregnancy in a dream represents one’s increase in material wealth. At time, it denotes ear for a certain person in view of following adage: Qad habala fil ardhi khawful fulaanin. This means that the Earth is pregnant and burdened as a result of terror caused by so –and-so. Source: Ibn Sirin

Pregnancy for a woman means losing her virginity before marriage or she will marry an unsuitable person. If a barren woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it shows a bad harvest year or robbery in her neighborhood. An unmarried woman or a young virgin sees herself pregnant in a dream shows that she will find a compatible husband. While man’s pregnancy means pain and sorrow.

Pregnancy in a dream indicated woman’s diligence, success, and assiduity in pursuing her goals. It also means receiving respect, prosperity, and recognition. Woman sees herself pregnant also means difficulties and adversities and she may be a troubling secret hiding. For a learned man pregnancy means an increase in his knowledge, for craftsman it means achieving unrivaled excellence in his trade.

In general, pregnancy shows dreamer’s share in life will increase, be he a man or a woman. But there are other interpretations depends on different conditions too:

  • Seeing one’s wife pregnant means dreamer is aiming for something.
  • Man dreaming that he is pregnant could mean:
  1. His share in the world will increase equal to the size of his belly.
  2. Sorrow is near.
  3. In a dream if he had given birth to a boy, it shows calamity.
  4. And if he had given birth to a girl, it shows benefit.
  5. He has severe worries and problems that no-one has noticed yet and they may grow further and might be uncovered.
  6. If a scholar, dreamer will receive more knowledge.
  7. If a craftsman, the dreamer will earn money to somebody else’s benefit.
  8. Or his neighbor is his enemy or he is staying next to an enemy. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Pregnancy Also Represents

  • Bringing men and women together.
  • Robber will break in his house.
  • Wicked woman that will hide in his place.
  • He is sowing in the wrong land.
  • He will steal something and hide it.
  • He will perish by the cord (a homonym for pregnancy in Arabic, the word for both being habl).
  • He will be ill after eating dates.
  • He will have dropsy (kind of swelling).
  • A foreigner dear to the dreamer and that dear will be buried at his place.
  • Dreamer is a liar and pretends that he can do impossible things.
  • He is concealing his creed and corrupt faith.
  • Being madly in love
  • Getting passionate about some and attached to someone
  • Planting seeds in the wrong place
  • Hide a stolen project
  • He may get sick from eating spoiled food
  • It also represents an accident. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Girl under the Age of Puberty being Pregnant

A girl under the age of puberty sees himself being pregnant in a dream shows reference to his mother. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation One’s Wife is Pregnant and Man holding Torah

If one’s wife is pregnant and the man sees himself holding the Torah, it shows that he will mix with evil companions or she will beget a daughter, for the gender of the word Torah is feminine. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Woman Carrying a Lamp

If a pregnant woman sees herself that she is carrying a lamp represents that she will give birth to a son. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Bow in its Cover

If a pregnant woman in her dream hands a man a bow in her dream, it shows she will give birth to a girl from him. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

If a pregnant woman in hands her husband bow in her dream, it shows she will give birth to a boy. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Bow in its cover means that the dreamer’s wife is pregnant but with a male issue in her stomach. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Man Eating Cucumber and His Wife is Pregnant

If a man sees himself eating cucumber or snake cucumber and his wife is pregnant shows that she will give birth to a girl. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Old Woman Pregnant

Old woman being pregnant in a dream could mean Fertility after drought, reference to unemployment or reference to an arsenal or an arms cache. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Man Gives Birth to a Baby Boy

If a man gives birth to a baby boy, it shows he will carry a heavy burden but then escape from it or could mean that he may escape from a treacherous woman or he will vanquish his enemy. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mother Delivers a Sick Baby Girl

If a mother delivers a sick baby girl in a dream, it means relief from her difficulties. If she gives birth to such a child from her mouth, then it means death. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Begetting a Boy

Begetting a boy in a dream means worries, burdens or sickness while giving birth to a girl in a dream means relief from distress or easing of one’s difficulties. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Woman Delivered a Boy

A woman dreaming that she has delivered a boy means he will ultimately have joy, receive good tidings, and get rid of a heavy burden. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Wife Inviting a Man

If one sees his pregnant wife inviting a man in a dream means he will give birth to a baby boy. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Woman Moaning

If a pregnant woman sees that she is moaning in her dream, it shows that the woman is in labor. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Woman Groaning

If a pregnant woman sees that she is groaning in her dream, it shows that the woman is in labor. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Maiden getting Pregnant

If a maiden getting pregnant then it could mean:

  • Bitter events will occur to her family just because of her.
  • She will be possessed by a demon.
  • Evil at her place: like a fire or a robbery.
  • Clothes that are made and given to her on her wedding might not suit her and she will not be liking them.
  • She will be married to an incapable person.
  • She will get married.
  • She will stay single for a long time and will be deflowered before marriage. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Wife Delivering a Baby Boy

If one sees that his pregnant wife is delivering a baby boy in his dream, it means she will give birth to a girl and the opposite may be true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his dream. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Delivering a Baby from Mouth

If one sees delivering a baby from his mouth, it shows his death or could mean that he will use poised and pleasant words in a conversation with someone he is careful not to offend. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Woman Delivering Child without Sexual Intercourse

If a pregnant woman sees that she is delivering child though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband could mean that she will discover a hidden treasure. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sterile Woman or a Bull being Pregnant

If a sterile woman or a bull being pregnant in a dream means a year characterized by barrenness, intrigues, drought, and evil brought about by bandits and atheists. If then a ferocious or frightening animal is born, it means that misery, fear, evil, or worries will disappear. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Single Woman Pregnant

If a single woman sees herself pregnant, it shows that she will get married. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Animal

Pregnant animal especially when the animal is a good one or useful one means benefits and welfare. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Boy under the Age of Puberty being Pregnant

A boy under the age of puberty sees himself being pregnant in a dream shows reference to his father. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pregnant Woman with Beard or Penis

  • If one sees someone’s wife having a beard could mean that she will never become pregnant, If she already has a boy, then the latter will prevail over his family.
  • If a pregnant woman sees her penis in her anus it shows that she will have an abortion.
  • If a pregnant woman dreaming that she has a beard or penis she will give birth to a boy.
  • If a non-pregnant woman dreaming that she has a beard or penis and already has a boy, latter will become master of his folk.
  • If a woman dreaming that she has a beard or penis and neither she is pregnant nor she is the mother of boy, then the dream means that she will never have children in view of her masculinity. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Woman Transformed into a Man

If a woman is transformed into a man and sees herself pregnant, it shows that she will beget a son who may die soon, but if she is not pregnant, it shows that she is no longer fertile. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

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