
Islamic Dream Interpretation Cat and Dream Meaning

Cat in a dream symbolizes a thief. Source: Ibn Sirin

Cat also represents one’s share from a business, his work, an inheritance or a book of records. It also means shunning off one’s husband, children or wife, or could also mean a theft, adultery, disloyalty, fight, eavesdropping, bearing a child from adultery, backbiting, bastard child. Or cat could also represent a gentle speaking person, a toadying person or someone who desires to be accepted by others, and should he find an opportune moment, he will spoil everyone’s peace. Source: Ibn Sirin

The she-cat is sometimes a reference to tender motherhood. Other contradictory symbols include Dispute or controversy, Adultery, The product of adultery or an abandoned child whose father cannot be identified, The absence of gratitude, The failure to fulfill a promise or honor one’s obligations, Being quick of hearing, Whispers or The hypocritical flatterer and gadabout. Source: Ibn Sirin

The she-cat in a dream usually symbolizes an evil and deceitful woman. Source: Ibn Sirin

If one sees a cat steals something from her master, it means that he may pay a fine, or he may have a fight with his relatives or children or could mean a robbery. Source: Ibn Sirin

The cat symbolizes a book in view of a verse in the Holy Quran in which the word qitt, meaning in Arabic “cat,” is used as a synonym for “written fate” or “sentence” (“Sad”, verse 16). Source: Ibn Sirin

It could also symbolize the neglect of the woman and children or their harsh treatment. But the cat is one of the most controversial figures in dreams. Some regard it as a servant and a guardian, others as a thief from within the house (an insider). It refers to all beings who stay around the person to guard him but who, at the same time, embezzle, steal, or harm him and are, in fact, of no use to him. Source: Ibn Sirin

A cat in a dream could also represent a toadying person, being kind and playful, though awaiting to jump at the first opportunity to spoil others peace. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Cat and Mouse Together

If one sees in his dream that tomcat and mouse, or the wolf and lamb become friends in his dream, it shows loss of moral standards, affectation, and hypocrisy. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Wildcat

Wildcat in a dream means toiling, adversities and a wretched life. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Selling a Cat

Selling a cat in a dream means spending one’s money. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Bite of a Cat

In a dream, bite of a cat represents a hoaxer or a crooked woman. It is also said that a cat’s bite in a dream means an illness that will last one full year. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Banal

A cat in a dream also represents a banal woman who likes herself. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Turning into a Cat

Turning into a cat in a dream means that dreamer will earn one’s living through illicit practices and theft. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Scratch of a Cat

The scratch of a cat in a dream means that one will be betrayed by his servant. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Shedding Blood After being Scratched by Cat

If one sees shedding blood after being scratched by a cat or sees losing an eye to its claws in his dream, it means beware of an implacable enemy! Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Killing or Slaughtering a Cat

If one sees killing or slaughtering a cat, it means that person will overpower his enemy or rival. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Cat Fighting

The person with whom the cat is fighting, he will become ill soon. If the cat is overpowered in a dream, he will recover quickly. But if the cat bites him, he will remain ill for a long period. According to Ibn Sirin, his illness will span for one whole year and a wild cat bespeaks of more serious illness for a longer period. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sneezing Out a Cat

Sneezing out a cat means the child in question will become a thief. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Civet Cat

Seeing a civet cat in a dream means a man of contradictions, combining high virtue and an evil character. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Cat Milk

Cat milk in a dream means a mild disease or a dispute leading to relations breaking off. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Cat Entering a House

If one sees that cat is entering a house, it means a thief will enter that house. And if cat snatches something from that house, it means something will be stolen from that house. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Cat Meat

Eating Cat Meat Dream Interpretation

Eating cat meat in a dream means dreamer will learn magic. Source: Islamic Scholars

Receiving Cat Meat

Receiving cat meat or grease means that he will get money from a thief or obtain something stolen anyway. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation One Extract Fats from a Cat

If one sees extracting fat from a cat, it means that he will receive stolen money or a share thereof. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Killing or Beating a Tomcat in a Fight

Killing or beating a tomcat in a dream means catching a thief or killing him. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Fighting with a Tomcat

Fighting with a tomcat in a dream means an affliction with a long and a debilitating illness that will be followed by a complete recovery. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Tomcat Sitting Peacefully

If one sees a tomcat sitting peacefully and quietly in his house in a dream, it means that he will have a comfortable, peaceful and a profitable year. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Tomcat Scratches

If a tomcat scratches someone or bites him in a dream, it means that he will fall sick for a full year. Source: Ibn Sirin

Incident: Woman Told Ibn Sirin about Cat

A woman told Ibn Siren she dreamed that a cat had introduced its head into her husband’s stomach, taken something out of it, and eaten it. The great seer said that a black thief would enter her husband’s shop that evening and steal 316 dirham’s from his safe. And so it was. There was a black bath attendant in the neighborhood. The people of the area got hold of him, and he confessed to his crime and restored the money. When asked how he managed to know all that, Ibn Siren said that the cat was a thief, the husband’s stomach his safe and what was taken out of it the money. As for defining the exact amount, Ibn Siren said that each letter of the alphabet had its specific number. Therefore cat—in Arabic sanur—stood for 316 dirham’s. Source: Ibn Sirin

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