
Islamic Dream Interpretation Rats and Dream Meaning

Mouse also represents a wicked woman, mouse seen in a dream male or female means the same. Source: Ibn Sirin

It also represents an opportunistic woman, a girlfriend or an opportunistic woman or a lady friend who is hiding her real intentions. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation White Mouse

Sire, the white and black mice are the days and nights which silently nibbling our life and body. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Plenty of black and white mice in an inclined or jeopardized location or a well means life will be shortened. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Black and White mice coming and going in a dream means long life, as white indicates the day ad black indicates the nights. To borrow the expressions of Ibn. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Mouse of black or white color going about its own business in the daylight in a dream represent longevity. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Catching a Mouse

Catching a mouse in a dream also means befriending a woman, or marriage. Mice in a dream also mean elation, or ecstasy unless they are of mixed colors. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Seeing Mouse during an Afternoon Nap

If one dreams of a mouse during an afternoon nap, it shows he will have a long life. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Black Mouse

Sire, the white and black mice are the days and nights which silently nibbling our life and body. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Plenty of black and white mice in an inclined or jeopardized location or a well means life will be shortened. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Black and White mice coming and going in a dream means long life, as white indicates the day ad black indicates the nights. To borrow the expressions of Ibn. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Mouse of black or white color going about its own business in the daylight in a dream represent longevity. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse in Clothes or in a Bedding

If one sees mouse in a bedding or in one’s clothes means he will have intercourse with an evil woman. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Mouse inside the dreamer’s shirt means a woman friend out of whom no good can come. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Throwing stones or Arrows at a Mouse

Throwing stones or arrows at a mouse in a dream means he will backbite a sinful woman or exchange correspondence with her on an irreligious matter. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Obtaining Mouse Skin

Obtaining mouse’s skin in a dream means that will backbite a corrupt. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Family of Mice

If one sees family of mice inside a well or sees near a slanting land in a dream means the end of one’s life is near. And seeing a large family of them means gathering of women or holding a party in dreamer’s house. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse Gnawing on Clothes

If one sees mouse gnawing on his clothes means that the time that erodes everything and passes. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse Digging and Searching

Mouse searching and digging in a dream means beware of a searching thief. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Catching a Mouse

Catching a mouse in a dream means he will outsmart a woman and sleep with that woman. A man who saw himself penetrating a mouse in his dream and coming out with a date from its ass asked Ibn Siren about the meaning of such a dream. “Are you married to a corrupt woman?” asked Ibn Siren. “Yes,” said the man. “She will give birth to a devout son.” Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse coming out of Nose

Mouse coming out of dreamer’s penis or nose means his wife will give birth to a corrupt and ungrateful girl. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Mouse also suggests the dreamer’s household, e.g those who dwell in his house – his children and his wife etc, devilish Jewish woman or a jew or a debauched woman, as related by Al-Nabulsi. It could also refer to the thief. Many mice in a dream mean welfare and profit. Mice of the same color allude to woman and rat represents a digging thief. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse playing in a House

Mouse playing in dreamer’s house means prosperity will get increased because, according to the ancient Arabs, mice invade only those places that are prosperous. And only people who are not hungry can afford to play. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse coming out of Penis

Mouse coming out of dreamer’s penis or nose means his wife will give birth to a corrupt and ungrateful girl. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Mouse also suggests the dreamer’s household, e.g those who dwell in his house – his children and his wife etc, devilish Jewish woman or a jew or a debauched woman, as related by Al-Nabulsi. It could also refer to the thief. Many mice in a dream mean welfare and profit. Mice of the same color allude to woman and rat represents a digging thief. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse coming out Rectum

Mouse coming out of dreamer’s rectum in his dream shows a thankless woman will get out of his life. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Owning a Mouse

Owning a mouse in a dream means he will have a servant because like servants mice share the food of the master. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse Leaving a House

Mouse leaving dreamer’s house means blessings upon him and his livelihood will decrease. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Squeak of a Mouse

If one sees squeak of a mouse in a dream, it mean love, peace, reunion and profits. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Mouse Hole

Any hole or den of such mammals in a dream means pursuing innovations in dreamer’s religious practices or being attached following leaders who will lead people astray. Den in a dream also means the element of charcoal. If one sees animal too coming out of a den or a hole, it means that he will utter words that befit the character of such an animal. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Killing a Mouse

If one sees killing a mouse in his dream, it means he will marry or will come in contact with a sinful and an evil woman. Source: Ibn Sirin

Killing a mouse in a dream means that he will get some money, not much money from an evil woman. Source: Various Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Cat and Mouse Together

If one sees in his dream that tomcat and mouse, or the wolf and lamb become friends in his dream, it shows loss of moral standards, affectation, and hypocrisy. Source: Ibn Sirin

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