
Islamic Dream Interpretation Pomegranate and Dream Meaning

pomegranate in a dream also represents savings. If it is ripened and tastes sweet, it represents a beautiful woman, a town, a son, a one thousand dollars, a one hundred dollars, or ten dollars depending on the type of work one performs. Source: Ibn Sirin

As for a ruler or a governor, a pomegranate in a dream represents a city. If he brakes one in a dream, it means that he will conquer or rule that city. Source: Ibn Sirin

pomegranate in a dream also means a coffer, a beehive, or a honeycomb. A pomegranate in a dream also denotes fear or a journey. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation White Seeds of a Pomegranate

If the seeds are white in the dream, they represent little money. If they are red, then they represent a sizeable profit. Source: Ibn Sirin

Picking a Pomegranate with White Seeds

Picking a pomegranate with white seeds: The dreamer will obtain one thousand silver coins  (small money). Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sick Person Eats Skin of Pomegranate

If a sick person eats the skin of a pomegranate in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Broken Pomegranate

A broken pomegranate in half in a dream represents a deflowered girl, a divorcee or a widow. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Fresh Pomegranate

A fresh looking pomegranate in a dream represents a young virgin. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Rotten or Spoiled Pomegranate

A rotten or a spoiled pomegranate in a dream represents an unchaste woman. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sour Pomegranate

A sour tasting pomegranate in a dream represents unlawful money, worries, or disturbances. Source: Ibn Sirin

If a sour pomegranate is eaten, it means he will be afflicted with grief and sorrow. The same applies to any sour fruit. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Cutting a Pomegranate Tree

Cutting it down means that the dreamer will fail to support his family and in-laws. Sweet pomegranate or one of an unspecified taste symbolizes a fortune that the dreamer has gathered. Sour pomegranate is troubles and worries. Other interpretations include a heavily populated country or province; a sumptuous farm and profits for the merchant. Source: Islamic Scholars

The thorns of a pomegranate tree in a dream represent the obstacles that restricts a believer from falling into or committing a wrongdoing. Cutting down a pomegranate tree in a dream means severing one’s blood ties, or neglecting one’s duty toward his family. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Red Seeds of a Pomegranate

Picking a Pomegranate with Red Seeds

Picking a pomegranate with red seeds: The dreamer will obtain one thousand gold coins  (big money). Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pomegranate is Eaten Unripened

If a pomegranate is eaten unripened in the dream, it represents suspicious money. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Eating Pomegranate Peel

Eating pomegranate peel: The dreamer will recover from a disease. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Skin of a Pomegranate

The skin of a pomegranate represents the city’s walls, its seeds represent its people and its juices represent its resources, industries and wealth. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pomegranate During its Season

If it is sweet, it symbolizes one’s accumulated wealth. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Pomegranate Tree

The pomegranate tree is a man who has the best of two worlds. Its thorns prevent him from committing sins. It could also represent a woman, and eating it is a good thing, according to Ibn Siren. Source: Islamic Scholars

pomegranate tree in a dream represents a pious, respected and a rich man. If he is a merchant, his business will always multiply.  Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Stealing a Pomegranate from Kabah

Stealing a pomegranate from the Kabah: The dreamer will have sex with a prohibited relative. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Sweet Pomegranate

Eating a Sweet Pomegranate

Whether eaten entirely or partially, it means he will receive assets, leaving him richer and wealthier than before. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Eating Pomegranate Seeds

Eating pomegranate seeds in a dream means earning easy money. Source: Ibn Sirin

Islamic Dream Interpretation Selling Pomegranate

If one sells pomegranates in a dream, it means that he will sell the everlasting reward of the hereafter for the temporary pleasure of this world. Source: Ibn Sirin

Selling a pomegranate: The dreamer has given up the Hereafter in favor of worldly temptations and transient delights. Source: Islamic Scholars

Islamic Dream Interpretation Drinking Pomegranate Juice

Drinking pomegranate juice in a dream means spending for one’s livelihood. Source: Ibn Sirin

Pressing Pomegranates and Drinking their Juice

Pressing pomegranates and drinking their juice: An allusion to what the dreamer spends on himself. Source: Islamic Scholars

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